Thursday, March 6, 2014

Important Facts 03/06/14 03/07/14

-  presidential roles - chief of state - head of government
-  must abide by checks and balances
-  representative of all the people of America
-  qualifications - natural born U.S. citizen, 35 years of age, live in U.S. 14 consecutive years
-  presidential succession - vice president succeeds him
-  has happened nine times^
-  president can nominate new vice president in vacancy
-  originally had 2 electoral votes
-  election of aron burr and thomas jefferson there was a tie
-  people running for president go to conventions, debates, etc.
-  national convention both parties decide who they want to represent

-  national convention -- introduce candidates, adopt platform, stir up popular support
-  primaries -- began in early 1900's
-  two different types (delegate selection primary and candidate preference primary)
-  New Hampshire is always first primary
-  caucuses - meeting of a political party gather to select delegates to send to national convention
-  typically current president is nominated

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