Monday, December 16, 2013

12/16/13 Bellringer

12-10-13  China lands on the moon.
12-04-13  Nelson Mandela dies at 95.
10-01-13  U.S. government shutdown.
09-07-13  Tokyo, Japan wins to host 2020 Olympics.
09-17-13  Washington D.C. Navy Yard Shooting.
08-21-13  Syria Chemical Attack Allegation.
04-18-13  Deadly earthquake hits China Sichuan.
04-16-13  Boston Marathon Blasts.
04-07-13  Margaret Thatcher dies at 87. 
02-10-13  Pope Benedict XVI resigned.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

12/11/13 Bellringer

1.  No, I feel like it is an invasion of personal privacy to "snoop" in peoples personal data usage.
2.  Yes, I feel that we live in a society where there is no longer privacy.
1.  Would use this technique because it could be used to communicate terrorist ideas.
2.  I don't think any areas should be closely monitored.

Monday, December 9, 2013

12/09/13 Bellringer

1.  Yes, as of now they have the right to collect any personal data.
2.  Because it is a violation of the peoples rights.

Friday, December 6, 2013

12/06/13 Bellringer

Three of Mandela's greatest achievements were being a leader in resistance against the ruling National Party and its apartheid policies, was a global symbol for the cause of human rights and earned a Nobel Prize.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

12/04/13 Bellringer

1.  Yes, I think that this case could have a similar outcome in the U.S.
2.  That he is crazy, and thinks that the child should be beautiful.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

12/03/13 Bellringer

1.  It is controversial because it involves different religions and conflicts with that.

Monday, December 2, 2013

12/02/13 Bellringer

1.  No, prisoners shouldn't be allowed to vote.
2.  Yes, I think that when felons get released they should be able to vote.